Ways to Give

You can make a difference

Monetary donations make up more than 50% of our operations budget and are the best way to make the greatest impact on the many families reached by Florence Crittenton. Donations help offset everyday costs, such as food, clothing, and necessary items. Whether a business, civic organization, church or individual, you can make a difference.

Our Commitment to Our Donors

Florence Crittenton takes seriously its responsibility to donors and the ethical use of donor dollars. Our program budgets are carefully considered each year and donated funds are used in a thoughtful and practical manner to have the most impact. We consider our donors our partners and work to maintain long-standing relationships with each donor and volunteer. Our goal is to match your wishes for impacting young families and our communities with the appropriate services and programs at Florence Crittenton. We are all about families at Florence Crittenton and we welcome all donors and partners as part of that family!

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